Sunday, December 8, 2019

Human Resource Culturally Competent Health Care

Question: Describe about the Human Resource for Culturally Competent Health Care. Answer: Actions Taken to Create a More Diverse Workforce Reflecting the Community The first step of developing an effective workforce is increasing the diversity, and the process is a vital factor for developing the workplaces of different healthcare. However, the managers and leaders of the healthcare organizations must need to develop the knowledge related to embracing diversity of different categories. In order to ensure the success in adopting the set of actions for creating a diverse workplace, the leaders must need to be critically informed about the key norms and customs of the respective culture (Jeffreys, 2015). They have to gain the ability to understand how these dissimilar norms are affecting the perception of healthcare service users to be sensible in the delivery of diversity strategies. Therefore, the strategies and actions developed by the healthcare leaders and managers should need to address the differing views and requirements of the community. In case of the population of US, the demographics within the country dynamically affect the views and perception of the community (Bell MacDougall, 2013). It leads the policy makers within the healthcare organizations to shift their focus on the involvement of different demographic segments into the workforce to create well-diversified working environment. Efforts to Improve Cultural Competence One of the important goals of the healthcare system of US is the achievement of an equitable health care and reducing the health disparities. In order to reduce the health disparities, various hospitals and nursing homes throughout the country should need to focus more on gaining the increasing competence in terms of its workplace culture. Therefore, the cultural competence is identified as the foundational pillar for developing the culturally sensitive and unbiased quality of care (Hendricks Cope, 2013). Regarding the definition of culturally competent care, it reflects the maintenance of diversity in the patient population while respecting the different cultural factors affecting the overall process of health care. Language, behaviours, attitudes, feedbacks, communication styles, and beliefs are the significant factors representing the culture. Therefore, the ability of the healthcare service providers should need to be improved by the involvement of important cultural competence interventions. It will assist them to provide good quality of care to the patients according to their requirements effectively (Purnell, 2014). The efforts of these healthcare service providers should need to be redefined by including the supports obtained from the nursing staffs, physicians, or allied health professionals who have standard contact with the patients. Subsequent Business Results from the Application By the application of the actions guided by the adequate cultural competence interventions, the key health system factors can be engineered to provide support to the patients and promoting the maintenance of cultural competence. The healthcare organizations can be able to address multiple physical barriers in terms of their access by the patients or the staffs (Bell MacDougall, 2013). Additionally, the subsequent result from the foundation of the proposed guidelines will assist the patients to promote the relationship with the service providers to ensure the quality care is provided to them accordingly. References Bell, M., MacDougall, K. (2013). Adapting online learning for Canada's Northern public health workforce.International journal of circumpolar health,72. Hendricks, J. M., Cope, V. C. (2013). Generational diversity: what nurse managers need to know.Journal of advanced nursing,69(3), 717-725. Jeffreys, M. R. (2015).Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care: Inquiry, action, and innovation. Springer Publishing Company. Purnell, L. D. (2014).Guide to culturally competent health care. FA Davis.

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