Saturday, October 5, 2019

Domestic violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Domestic violence - Essay Example It is important to note that there has been a wide spread outcry from the public as well as the leaders on the status of domestic violence in the societies. The trend of the domestic violence in the homes has also been noted to be on the increase. On the contrary, there have been significantly little measures that have been put forward for the management of the cases. The program will have its aims at encouraging the present two-way police training awareness. This will be carried out in conjunction with the on-going debates on the. Subsequently, there exist four on-going projects on the PAHT projects across the state. The program shall be developed with regard to the current finding on the various studies that have been carried out. Some of the studies that shall be taken into consideration are like the Domestic Violence as observed in the child protection systems. Domestic Violence actions and resources and also the Aboriginal as well as the Torres straits islander women’s taskforce on violence report, 2010. On the other hand, the program that is intended to carry out the initiative is well developed with a board of members that is elected on annual basis. Additionally, there are various trained councillors who are always available, but seemingly the number has been way too down for the cases that have been received, hence the need of training more volunteers. The project will be committed on focusing on its objectives as have been described; which is majorly dealing with the elimination of domestic violence in the state. The initiative will have the sole responsibility of taking into consideration of the plight of the women and children who might be victims of domestic violence. As such, the project can be described to have two major components; communal outreach and perpetrator rehabilitation. On the other hand, the services that shall be geared towards the communal outreach shall be responsible for

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